Magical Product Campaigns

Those returning from North America’s biggest trade jewelry buying experience will have more than suitcases in hand; they’ll also have orders for what merchants’ hope will be hot sellers for the holidays. But inventory is just one part of the 4th quarter equation—another is marketing and how to get clients into stores. To make that happen, manufacturers make myriad visual tools available for customers to use.

Imagery is everything—from lifestyle model shots to still life to styles on white (also called pack shots), consumers need to see the product from many angles to drive home a desire to own it. Marketing surrounding new product releases can involve these three types of photography for each campaign. Frequency of efforts varies.


At Ostbye, Merchandise Manager Theresa Namie has three product releases a year, all with its own creative. At Paris 1901, full campaigns are shot once a year but are supplemented by “smaller launches with updated assets,” says Sam Hupp, vice president of sales. At KGS Jewels, new visuals are shot monthly, while Aneri Jewels shoots four times a year.

“We create new campaign imagery quarterly to keep our marketing fresh and aligned with seasonal trends,” explains Nancy Italia-Gajera, Aneri’s director.

Heather Brown of The Kingswood Company is also well-versed in the importance of visuals.

“We understand that providing beautiful high-end imagery for our full production line is imperative,” says the vice president of content and editorial. “Our image development is handled in-house by our talented design team.”

          Shefi Diamonds

Other opinions vary on whether to handle the imagery in house or outsource it. Namie does both depending on the tasks at hand. “For us it is just a matter of who can do [the job] best,” she explains. Most interviewees execute creative within company walls for cost-effectiveness and better control over brand imaging.

To create effective campaigns, consider a color scheme that will work across all four seasons. Effects and props should be simple. “We strive to keep the jewelry prominent by not using too busy of backgrounds,” observes Namie.

Consistency and a thoughtful approach are also key. According to Hupp, don’t break out the 5 ct. diamond rings for a message that’s supposed to speak to younger clients. “Know the end purpose before developing any new assets,” he says.

Italia-Gajera urges peers to remember the most important aspect of new brand imagery— “Its ability to evoke emotion and convey the essence of the brand,” she says. Further, visuals should “resonate with the target audience and effectively communicate brand values.”

Prime Art & Jewel

Once visuals are complete, put them into action. Photography is so important for use in ads, signage, and e-blasts as well as on websites and across social media platforms. Namie creates content shared in weekly texts and/or emails and has marketing resources available online, while Hupp develops assets for partners to use on social media, in email, and for banner ads. And based on sales reports, the marketing team at Shefi Diamonds crafts “stunning” social media posts for retailers on request, according to marketing director Surbhi Jain.

“Keep your audience interested!” urges Namie. “Attract, not sell.”

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