The Plumb Club Supports the Industry Through JCK Industry Fund

The JCK Industry Fund was founded in 1997 at the behest of members of The Plumb Club, who urged the JCK show management to give back to the trade. Since then, The Plumb Club has continued its support of the Fund, which, to date, has awarded more than $6 million in grants to organizations working to benefit the industry as a whole.
The Industry Fund recently released a new mission statement, promising, as funds increase, to direct monies to where they are needed most.
“Our new mission statement is to take all the grant requests now.. and give monies back to those requests that are going to help improve the industry for everyone,” says Plumb Club President and JCK Industry Fund Board Member Michael Lerche. “All grants are looked at, and as long as we feel the project will improve awareness and approve the industry as a whole, then monies will be granted.”
To learn more, watch the video on the right or click here to see JCK’s article.