The Plumb Club Supports the Decision of the
Responsible Jewelry Council

NEW YORK – The Plumb Club, a leading jewelry industry supplier organization with members spanning all facets of the jewelry, diamond and watch industries, said today that it endorses and fully supports the decision made by the Board of Directors of the Responsible Jewelry Council (RJC), in accepting the resignation of Alrosa as an RJC member.
It is the unanimous opinion of The Plumb Club board that the unprovoked and continuous attacks on the civilian population of Ukraine necessitated such a decision. However, the board also believes that the RJC should have taken action weeks ago when it became clearly evident that Alrosa, through its ownership, was either directly or indirectly involved in this humanitarian crisis. Doing what is morally right must take precedence over a questionable interpretation of a by-law or Code of Practice.
According to Sam Sandberg, president of The Plumb Club, “Although thankful for the RJC Board resolution, the swiftness of this decision and pace of the process was, in our opinion, extremely lacking. The Plumb Club sent a letter to the RJC on March 7th asking for the immediate suspension of Alrosa as a member, with a follow up letter sent on March 22nd giving the RJC until April 8th to take the requested action.”
The RJC must now immediately inform its members as to their current compliance with the RJC Code of Practice, with respect to purchasing rough diamonds directly or indirectly from Alrosa or buying polished diamonds that come from rough diamonds purchased from Alrosa, from their date of resignation.
Sandberg continues by saying that, “the RJC is the industry standard bearer for Sustainability, Responsible Sourcing and Humanitarian Principles. They must continue to lead in this capacity and, if so, the Plumb Club will continue to fully support their efforts”.
In 2019 The Plumb Club was the first and is the only industry association to make RJC Certification a requirement of membership. The Club is confident that the RJC will, once again, fully align their Code of Practices with the Club’s view on Sustainability, Responsible Sourcing, saving the planet and a moral and ethical commitment to the strictest of humanitarian principles.