The Plumb Club is Still Here for You

Dear Industry Members,
During this difficult time, we wish you continued safety and good health. We know that many of you have made the most responsible choices when it comes to the health and security of your businesses and we applaud you. As an industry resource, we want you to know that we are still here to provide you with information and services, however we are doing so remotely until any risk diminishes.
There are several things that you can also do during this time that can help your business and keep it ready for brighter days ahead. Now is a good time to focus on your online presence and digital strategy, as well as deepening your personal relationships with your customers.
Continue to develop and publish content that is relevant, informational and aspirational for your customers. Show them what the newest trends are or feature human interest stories. Help them see a brighter future.
Focus on updating your website and keeping it populated with items and content that keep consumers involved with you. Assure your customers that they can still safely shop remotely with you for their upcoming events, such as birthdays, anniversaries or engagements – and should they need more information or wish a personal consultation, give them the option of reaching somebody in person to talk, or providing them with an email address that will respond.
Be upfront and clear with your customers on what you can do during this time, what elements may need to wait until after the crisis and what things may not be possible. Keep them informed on delivery times, including delays!
Maintain staff development on merchandise and sales education via online learning, while refreshing your knowledge of retail omnichannel platforms – best practices and new offerings.
Support your customers. Many of them are having to deal with their own economic issues, as well as the emotional strain of postponed life events. Think of policies and promotions that might help them.
The Plumb Club and our Members are here to support our industry and your efforts to keep your customers safe and weather this storm.
Should you need to reach our staff, you may do so via telephone or email.
Lawrence Hess: T: 201-816-8881/E:
Maria Massa-Cocchia: T: 201-816-9205/E:
Michael O’Connor: T: 917-903-0735/E: