Samuel B. Surpasses 1,000,000 Meals
Donated to Feeding America

Samuel B. partners with independent retailers to donate 10 meals for every piece of jewelry sold.
Great Neck, NY, November 17, 2021- Award winning New-York based jewelry designer Samuel B. announced they have just surpassed the one million meals mark donated to Feeding America.
Before the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown across the globe, Samuel B. was making plans to give back by opening a school in Bali. When the pandemic hit, the plans were put on pause. During the lockdown, Samuel B. VP of Sales and Marketing Mathew Behnam’s neighborhood in Brooklyn opened a food bank at a local elementary school. Mathew recalls that at that moment he realized the need to provide nourishment to families was unquestionable.
Behnam and Samuel B. reached out to non-profit group Feeding America, the nation’s largest domestic hunger-relief organization. The company knew they wanted to do something big, and with a lot of perseverance, they became a partner with Feeding America and agreed to donate 10 meals for every piece of jewelry sold to its vast network of independent retailers.
In May of 2020, Samuel B. launched the initiative, providing its independent retailers with signage explaining the partnership with Feeding America and working to ensure communities in need have enough to eat. “We stand together with Feeding America alongside our retail partners, proud that to date, over one million meals have been provided to help people in need. Our company continues to donate 10 meals for every piece of jewelry purchased, and remains committed to the largest domestic hungerrelief organization,” stated Mathew.
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About Samuel B
Award-winning fine jewelry master designer Samuel Behnam brings more than 30 years of art and jewelry experience to his silver collections and the Samuel B. His artisan crafted silver collections feature genuine gemstones and solid 18K gold accents and are about bringing the best of Balinese craftsmanship to retail stores worldwide. Using traditional methods, natural materials and highly skilled artisans, the designs come alive. Samuel B. has made designing stunning jewelry his life’s work. As a responsible and responsive company – Samuel B. takes the utmost care in creating jewelry that supports a lifetime of enjoyment.
About Feeding America
Feeding America is the largest hunger-relief organization in the United States. Through a network of more than 200 food banks, 21 statewide food bank associations, and over 60,000 partner agencies, food pantries and meal programs, Feeding America has provided 6.6 billion meals to tens of millions of people in need. Visit