The Valentine’s Vault: Unique Ways to Market Your Product

This week we look at ways to make sure your Valentine’s Day messaging hits the mark. From men-only evening events to drop-a-hint ideas, help Cupid’s arrow find its destination with a marketing map that will guide the way.

It seems that the minute the holiday season decorations are put away, you’ve got a split second before pulling out the heart-shaped love motifs promoting Valentine’s Day. But this year, it’s destined to be as difficult as ever to persuade consumers to put their wallets where their hearts are.

Pendants and Putters: In a shock revelation, it was discovered that the majority of men aren’t really into expressing their emotions. This year, instead of teaming up with non-competing stores such a flower shops, chocolatiers, etc. to offer a Valentine’s package, speak to more male-centric outlets such as your local electronics store, car dealer, sports store, etc. Think a new set of golf clubs with a jewelry gift certificate – A new HD television with a diamond pendant. Capture the men for whom Valentine’s is the scariest time of the year and tell them that if they treat themselves to a new 7 iron, their partner will actually be happy.

Admit One: Valentine’s can be one of the most-depressing times of the year for love-stuck singletons. This year, let the singles in your area know you’re thinking of them. Hold a ‘Singles Night’. Team up with a regional dating agency to host an event for the benefit of a local charity. Money raised helps your community and it’s an opportunity to facilitate matchmaking. At the end of the evening make sure everyone leaves with at least with one extra heart. Give all attendees a going-away gift of an inexpensive silver heart pendant.

Host a men-only night. Team up with local football, basketball or baseball leagues and host an event for members. Forget the champagne, cuddly bears and heart-shaped balloons, instead decorate the store in the team colors, screen a sports-game and fill the champagne buckets with beer. Offer discounts to those attending or even better, provide special pricing on a select group of merchandise. Make the jewelry purchasing decision for them. Choose up to ten pieces at varying price points, display them prominently and make sure all those present know they’re not only getting a bargain, but they’re also getting a sure-fire winning gift for their partner.

Bring The Message Home: In the New Year, hit your email list with a pre-Valentine’s reminder. Email all customers with a suggested wish list. Ask your female clients if they’d like you to send a customized wish list to their partners….subtly is so last year. Create hint cards with an image of the store, address, website and phone number. Have a selection of cards featuring different jewelry items you’re promoting and make sure every browser in your store until February 14th takes them home to leave ‘discreetly’ around the house in the run up to Valentine’s Day.

Next week: We have an idea to propose. Make sure your engagement ring collection has a style to suit every taste and budget. From traditional diamond solitaires to alternate gems and settings. From proposal ideas to shooting cupid’s arrow yourself, make this February a truly sparkling one for the tills.

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