2012 Holiday Marketing: Do You Live Up to Your Hype?

This week we’re looking at some of the strategies that will ensure that once the consumer is in the door – they’ll be leaving with a smile and a selection of products that will make both your holidays sparkle into 2013 and beyond.

In The Store-Your outreach and marketing have worked….the customer is in the door – now what? How do you make sure browsers become buyers and more importantly – repeat buyers.

Compare year-over-year sales figures, analyzing them to ensure that you have a clear and accurate picture of what’s behind the numbers, and what has made them better or worse. You will then be in a much better position to accurately forecast sales this holiday season, and what actions you can take to make sure that they go up and not down.

Categorize and tailor service to the three core consumer groups:

  • Holiday buyers
  • New customers
  • High-value and frequent purchasers

Each group has specific shopping needs and therefore has different expectations of what to expect from your store. By customizing offers, products, brands, and customer relations to these segments, you can significantly increase your closing rates. If you’re talking to a high value or frequent purchaser, make sure the product you’re recommending and the presentation you’re making reflects their status.

For example, many holiday buyers are most likely looking for jewelry box staples such as diamond pendants, initialed gold necklaces, pearl sets, earrings etc., where as your frequent purchaser may be more interested in the latest line from their preferred brand (and you should know what theirs is) or to view higher-value jewelry, perhaps featuring a fancy color diamond or high-end pearl and gemstone set. New customers tend to be looking for value, but more importantly, to create a relationship with ‘their’ jewelry store. They are looking for a jeweler that they feel reflects their values. They’re not looking for one time deals, but rather constant, trustworthy and personalized service. Make sure you optimize relationships with each group by first knowing who they are, and then offering an intelligent and well-chosen product selection reflective of the customer’s values and needs.

The American Dream

Last month we looked at the styles that are predicted to head up the jewelry charts as the 2012/13’s mega sellers, one thing we didn’t mention was origin. We’re not talking about the origin of the gold or diamonds, but the ‘made in’ label. A big focus for these coming months is all about ‘Made In America’. Include red, white and blue with your seasonal colors and highlight the fact that this holiday, patriotism is the theme. American designers, American manufacturing, jewelry that tells an American tale – incorporate the stars and stripes into holiday promotions. Consumers want to know that you care – about them, about the community and about the country at large.

Market your cause and as well as your product. Show your holiday spirit by pledging to give a percentage of all sales on a certain day to your company’s favorite charity. Or, if the piece is over a certain amount, maybe pledge a percentage to a local charity of the customer’s choosing.

Next week: 2012’s Top Ten Holiday Marketing Tips – how to make this season exceed expectations – after all you’ve worked hard all year – now it’s time for the payback.

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