Journey to Extremes: Polar Adventurer Eric Larsen and Citizen Promaster

Polar adventurer, expedition guide and educator, Eric Larsen,has spent the past 20 years traveling in some of the most remote and extreme environments on the planet. To date, he has completed more North and South Pole expeditions than any other American in history, including the first-ever Summer expedition to the North Pole in May 2014.

Sharing a concern for manā€™s impact on the environment, Citizen is proud to sponsor Eric Larsen. We were there at Lake Winnipeg for his Level I Polar Training Course in January and are sponsoring hisĀ Last Degree North Pole ExpeditionĀ in April and ending his year in the South Pole in a timed expedition.

Larsen carefully chooses a variety of lightweight, durable equipment tailor-made to withstand the extreme conditions of this journey. Among his professional tools that accompany him and his team, are Citizen Promaster timepiecesā€“ like the durable, precision-engineered Altichron and military grade Tough. Incorporating Citizenā€™s earth-friendly Eco-Drive technology, powered by light, this rugged sports timepiece features a compass and an altimeter that measures from 1,000 to 32,000 feet and extreme durability. Keeping any outdoor adventurer on track and on time.