Where to Find Gen Z Online


Fact: Gen Z spends a lot of time online, and their purchasing power is only getting stronger. Morning Consult, a data-decision intelligence company, recently conducted a report to learn more about Gen Z’s social media usage. One main takeaway? Video is here to stay. Keep reading, we’re breaking down their findings — plus, what it means for brands trying to reach Gen Z.


Gen Z’s Social Media Usage: Where Do They Spend Their Time Online?

According to Morning Consult’s report, YouTube is the most-used platform for Gen Z — with over 80% spending their time on the app:



Coming in at the number two spot is Instagram at 75% — hinting that the platform isn’t“over.”

And TikTok (69%) and Snapchat (63%) aren’t too far behind either.

However, there’s a notable dip once you get to the likes of Facebook and X (aka Twitter).

Interestingly, more male respondents use platforms like YouTube, X, Discord, Reddit, and Twitch.

On the flip side, when it comes to Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, and Facebook, female Gen Zers take the lead.

And while its usage is on the lower end, Gen Z is still showing some love for BeReal.


How Much Time Does Gen Z Spend on Social Media?

Morning Consult reports that 35% of Gen Zers spend over four hours a day on social media.

This a slight drop from the previous year (38%):



By comparison, only 19% of U.S. adults spend that much time online — showing the generational differences when using social media.


And when you contrast Gen Z’s social media usage with their main reasons for using social media, the report also found that:

  • 68% use it for entertainment and scrolling
  • 19% use it for messaging and communication

The takeaway? If you want to reach Gen Z, doing it via social media is the way to go — they’re digital experts for a reason.


Source: Later